The contents of this page is purely information based on my own personal theories & ideas
DO NOT take any as actual facts! All info provided are based on real information & clues
The Chiliad Mural & Glyphs |
Why do we need to know how the Chiliad mural was created?
In the hope this would give us more information to the many things we have yet to solve. Help make sense of the other Glyphs & clues we've already found.Knowing this could make all the difference. Being able to see how those clues fit into the bigger picture of the mystery & the continued search for all the answers. Possibly make completing the mystery quicker & easier.
If nothing else, just less complicated for everyone trying to make use of other peoples findings that relate directly to the mural & solving this puzzle.
So i worked hard on trying to rationally explain how the complete Mt Chiliad mural image was created. I have en devoured to use the best of mine, & others ideas & input to find the best solutions to these problems. I have decided to make them available for everyone. I hope you can see the time & effort i used to help bring these findings to you, hopefully they can be of help on your search.

The Mountain/Mural Overlay Theories:
Almost all current methods used to explain the positioning of the Glyphs (clues) & why they don't match the positions on the mural, is overlaying an image of the mural, over top of pictures taken of different guessed angles of Mount Chiliad. These will never match exactly! why? because no real mountain is a two dimensional element like the mural image, even worse the Glyphs are not even located on the same sides that you can completely see them all from.At least not from any side angle, only if taken from above the mountain.You also need a definite location to take the image of Mt Chiliad. Those that matched as close to the mural image were from the North/West direction [Example 1.] Many just guessed & some looked very close, but the mountain outlines on the mural were never meant to be used literally.
They were just a guide to depict the correct mountain to search.
The most possible answer to the shape i could see was, using the North facing ridge down the left side of the mural. And they used the South facing ridge for the right side.
![]() |
Example 1. |
This method i found to be incorrect!
Many have also used the overlay from behind the mountain (East side) because the one Glyph most out of alignment would match this orientation. I looked at this method also. But soon realized by placing it that way i had fixed one & put two others close, but i was no closer to solving it.
Supporters of this method will, reverse there overlay theory on some Glyphs to make these others match.
That method i also found to be incorrect!
Using these basic methods, the overlay theory is all based on chance. Knowing it was the correct mountain by matching the mountain to the mural outline was all this verified, yet it still did not solve the out of positioned Glyphs without needing x-ray vision, or some type of GPS locator to find them.
How was the Chiliad mural created?

Working from the one basic principal, similar to the three images of Mt Chiliad in the picture [Example 1.]I used a method of plotting the exact locations of the Glyphs separately, based on the correct mountain side they were located. This created three separate images, that i theorized you could place the three images over each other, or trace over the top of them all to get the complete mural image.
However i had predicted all the Glyphs would match exactly their positions to the correct side of the mountain, then those three images combined would match the mural. Like many do, i thought i had it first go.
However they did not!
There were three Glyphs that did not match the exact positions on the mural (bottom two & the rain Glyph), or even the correct side of the mountain they were on? I then had to rethink my strategy & find a better solution.
After re-examining my findings, & looking at other methods to solve this issue. I stumbled across a technique i had learned in college (actually surprised i remembered it from that long ago).This involved creating a pyramid shape over Mt Chiliad. This would be the closest i could get to representing a three dimensional object with similar mountain shape & proportions. While at the same time using two dimensional mountain images to map their locations. Doing it that way would enable me to plot the Glyph positions more accurately on my maps from images.
(Similar to this Method).

The Murals true center line:
However i needed the correct direction or orientation point for this to work, i needed to know the murals true center line. I could then workout which direction one side of the pyramid needs to lie on. I tried a few ideas, but soon realized my hunches about the 'Cluckin' Bell' factory being associated to the bottom egg symbol on the mural might be correct?![]() |
Clucking Bell Farms |
![]() |
Example 2. |
However then another member posted also their suspicions of that place. Now three people all seeing the same thing? it was enough to convince me.
This also matched another idea i had about the symbolism of a cracked egg, & it was all too much of a coincidence. Having little to go on i weighed up the options if this would be the correct option to use?
- The exact lineup of the Hippie site, Mt Chiliad peak & Clucking Bell Farms if you plot them on a map. The center line on the mural lines up with a egg, & that is where this chicken factory just happens to be?
Now that i had the correct direction (center line), to plot my pyramid image over Mt Chiliad on a map, & using the Clucking Bell line as my guide [Example 3.]I just needed to work out the correct dimensions to plot the lines on a map. Wanting to keep this as close to scale as possible to the mural image (so i could match the exact Glyph locations on to the mural). I tried to capture the best face on picture of the mural i could get, & plotted the triangle dimensions on that [Example 4.]
This would allow me to scale up the same measurements onto my map. 370pix X 185/185pix were those from the mural & were the same measurements i used to plot on my satellite map.
Example 4. |
Example 5. |
Example 6. |
Example 7. |
The recessed ridges (North and West) [Example 7.] allowed anybody the ability to see three certain Glyphs from another side of the mountain, the same three Glyphs all methods could not align. However when adding them to the correct viewing side, those three sides then combined on the mural, would show all the Glyphs in the correct location.I used my 3D pyramid image to workout the basics. Where the Glyphs were currently located (what cliff face), then projected a basic frame work of what angle i had past the North & West ridges to see. It was quite straight forward once i knew this option was the key [Example 8.]
Example 8. |
Example 9. |
Example 10. |
The image [Example 9.] is demonstrating the way the mural was constructed from three separate views. By using the recessed mountain ridges on the North & West sides [Example 10.], the three Glyphs were included into this facing directions view, which was then added to the mural the same way.
Example 11. |
Example 12. |
Using the satellite map, i plotted 10pix lines around each side, then located the confirmed Glyph locations onto this [Example 11.] I then replotted the three Glyphs along these guidelines i had made, to help line the repositioned Glyphs to there closest point on the side they were viewed from & were added to the mural [Example 12.]
Example 13. |
The closest i could match to my grids over the mural was the above image [Example 13.] not as exact as i had hoped, but very close to every Glyph. With more work i could get this more exact.
But i am satisfied that the above explanation will suffice most peoples questions & also the arguments against this technique.
My final conclusion on this subject. The most obvious is the symbol three still being a major reason behind this mural creation, as it was split into three sides.
Making an assumption on the reason? a possible indication of a journey from A to B with the relevance of making the North & South ends have only one Glyph added to that viewed side on the mural.
South/West Face - Glyph #2

North/West Face - Glyph #1- Glyph #3 - Glyph #4

The lines within the mural is the question that is required to be answered to help solve that. This will be the next part of the Mt Chiliad mural i will be bringing you. This will help dismiss the wild tunnel & road map theories being tossed around.
I hope this information can help you find the answers to solve the Chiliad mystery.