The Mural the Glyphs & the UFO's

The Mt Chiliad UFO/EGG/JETPACK 'Easter Egg' Mural

Mt Chiliad Mountain
The mural is located ontop of the highest mountain in the game. Mount Chiliad, inside the top cablecar building. Once there, it will be located near the right side exit, positioned on the inside wall & in plain view, making it very easy to find.
The top Cablecar building

 The Five Mount Chiliad Glyphs

Searching of the Chiliad mountain, rocks & cliffs was slow going at the beginning, but eventually it uncovered the five Glyphs. The combined efforts of those who discovered them was a huge task, considering the size of Mt Chiliad. Their efforts would help you & many others find them much quicker than the original search took.
Five Chiliad Glyphs

What are the requirements to complete the Chiliad Mystery?

100% game completion is required to fully participate in the Chiliad 'Easter egg' Please check your game menu for these stats for confirmation & this percentage (image below).
  • 69 missions
  • 42 Hobbies And Pastimes
  • 20 Strangers And Freaks
  • 14 Random Events
  • 16 Miscellaneous
Game Menu Stats Page
The best option is to signup to the 'Rockstar Socialclub' & you can view your game stats there (site image below) it is FREE to join & use. (There is also a link on the right links tab on this page)
This will also enable you to check exactly what missions, strangers & freaks, hobbies & pastimes, random events & misc you need to complete to get 100% completion.
100% Rockstar Socialclub Game Progress Checklist
All of the information you need, & alot more detailed is provided on this website for you. Check any stats, locations of collectables, random event locations, also get access to your 'Snapmatic' in game phone camera pictures.
Rockstar Social Club Website
There are Four UFO's that can be found around the San Andreas Map depending on your game percentage.
  • Only after 100% completion of GTA V's single player campaign & having the right ingame conditions (this will be explained later) can you see the Mt Chiliad UFO, & complete this part of the Chiliad Easter Egg.
  • The Sandy Shores & Fort Zucando ufo's can be seen at anytime, after 100% game completion.
  • The submerged ufo, can be seen at anytime, also with any game percentage. This can be located close to the ocean floor near Paleto Bay.

The First Break Through

When the mural was finally combined with the clues (Glyphs) these are indicated by the boxes marked with red X's on the mural, it was suggested there could be a possible connection to the three known UFO's?
The other UFO's were discovered by chance & before all the Glyphs were even found. This i believe created the continued confusion over the meanings of the three remaining Glyphs.
However the Chiliad UFO could not be seen this way, as it required certain conditions that were hidden within clues, dependent on the correct Glyphs meanings. Searchers used trial & error by matching the Glyphs & testing combinations, til it was eventually solved.


Using Glyph #2, the UFO (eye) symbol with a raining cloud beneath, & Glyph #3, the UFO (eye) symbol with the 3 lines & moon shape. These were surmised to be the correct Glyphs to provide the conditions to view the MT Chiliad UFO.
With the help of the mural, Glyphs, the red eye (UFO) Glyph & a line of text written on the mountain lookout platform, when all combined, it revealed the place, time & conditions to make this part of the puzzle complete.


To view the Mt Chiliad UFO, you need your character to be on the mountain peak lookout platform, at 3am while its raining, once you have reached 100% single player stat completion.


Meeting all the correct conditions, the Mt Chiliad UFO should appear at 3.00am on top of Mount Chiliad. If you stay within viewing distance of it, the UFO will stay visible for a number of days (in game days).

The Four UFO's

  • The first, the Mount Chiliad UFO will appear to the south, just infront of Mt Chiliad but slightly above your character while standing on the lookout platform (its highly likely this one is a hologram, due to its vanishing appearance when moving away from the platform, also no damage or hit markers from weapons to it, has FIB logo attached)
Mount Chiliad UFO
Sandy Shores UFO
  • The third can be found above the Fort Zancudo Airforce Base bunker (black in color with a noticeable difference in appearance to the others, also boasts similar force field & engine failure capabilities to the Sandy Shores UFO. Altitude is lower than Sandy Shores UFO. No FIB logo but it has the words 'Segregate & Rearrange' attached)
Fort Zancudo UFO
  • The fourth is submerged close to the bottom of the ocean (indications of a crash on the seabed, no FIB logo attached), this UFO can often be seen while collecting Nuclear Waste around Paleto Bay. A game mission that requires you to use the minisub This must also be completed to achieve 100% game completion that is required for further involvement in the search.
Paleto Bay submerged UFO
Want to know more about these UFO's? Please click the following link: 

The Easter Egg rewards were on the mural:

The possible reward/s have generally been suggested are the contents of the bottom three boxes on the mural, all contain various painted images inside them, these boxes were also located at the base of the Chiliad mural image

 The three boxes contained the following:

  • The far right image depicts a stick figure character with a jetpack on its back (a well known & very much loved addition for players on another Rockstar creation, San Andreas)
  • The middle image shows a cracked egg. More likely just a reference to these type of hidden game prize/rewards called 'Easter Eggs'. (all tho its still being debated about its true meaning, as possible references to a number of clues regarding possible alien/dinosaur eggs & other egg theories are still being debunked or assessed)

 What possible clues have been found

Yet haven't been confirmed?

  • Three other Mt Chiliad glyphs found
  • Mt Chiliad mural lines-exact meaning to this has yet to be clearly identified.
  • Hippie/UFO mural-site/glyphs/clues/wow signal/ufo
  • Altruists-camp/glyphs/radio tower/sacrifice stone
  • Ft Zancudo-ufo/control tower/bunker/hangar
  • FIB-satellite surveillance/ufo logos
  • IAA-company logo's/statues/building
  • Weazel-tower light/often seen outside characters homes/strange news broadcasts
  • El Gordo lighthouse-epsilon link/ursula's house
  • Concrete cylinders-red arrows
& many other possible links, that have no concrete evidence to claim to be confirmed as of yet.
These & many other questions are still creating much debate within the GTA community.

New information will be posted here once it's been confirmed.

To keep my personal ideas & theories from clouding your judgement on this subject, i have kept these on separate pages. Please feel free to view my 'Unlocking The Mt Chiliad Mural' pages on the link below. Here you will find my personal ideas & theories from studying this subject.



Unlocking The Mt Chiliad Mural - Part 1


Was the Chiliad UFO the real Easter Egg? Why have that entire mural & other clues?

General opinion says this could be a hoax, or a bad publicity stunt by Rockstar to promote the game. But i say NO! After such a big pre-release buildup, then only having the Chiliad UFO appearing as the big finale? That would hardly keep the general GTA public happy if that was it, let alone the Hardcore GTA fans.

Don't you think Rockstar wouldn't already know this would happen, & be wary of such backlash?

The fallout of such a move could ruin their most successful game title ever, also any future highest selling game release records just for doing that?
Honestly "why would they risk that? just for a jetpack?"

I couldn't see that happening unless Rockstar's board were the monkeys from Michael's drugged hallucination in the game.

If this mystery is not solved for a year, how much kudos do you think Rockstar will get for holding their ground & not releasing any clues or info, so this got solved in a week?

Then to reveal to all the doubters once solved, they had just created a puzzle to complex, & so well hidden in the game .dir files, it was deemed by most as unsolvable!

"The longer nobody finds it the better, if that were the reason? & i was in Rockstar's shoes"

There are still many unsolved clues & the latest info ive seen suggests it wasn't either.
This could only mean it was just another trigger point, & only a part of the complete puzzle, but is needed to progress to the next trigger step, similar to needing 100% game completion requirement first to be eligible to see the Chiliad UFO.